Contraindications to the use of Androgel


Despite its effectiveness in treating testosterone deficiency, Androgel has several contraindications. A detailed review of these contraindications is crucial to ensure patient safety:

Oncological diseases:

– Prostate Cancer (confirmed or suspected)

– Male breast cancer


– Allergy to testosterone or any component of the drug

Prostate Diseases:

– Benign prostatic hyperplasia with severe symptoms

Cardiovascular Diseases:

– Congestive heart failure

– recent heart attack or stroke

– uncontrolled hypertension

Liver disease:

– severe liver impairment

– liver failure

Blood disorders:

– polycythemia (high red blood cell count)

– Thrombophilia or high risk of venous thromboembolism

Endocrine disorders:

– hypercalcemia associated with tumors

Respiratory diseases:

– Severe obstructive sleep apnea

Reproductive Contraindications:

– Pregnancy and lactation (in women)

– Planning a pregnancy (may decrease fertility)

Age restrictions:

– Use in children and adolescents until completion of puberty (except as noted).

Psychiatric disorders:

– Severe forms of depression or bipolar disorder (relative contraindication). Severe forms of depression or bipolar disorder are considered relative contraindications; more recent guidelines focus on monitoring these conditions rather than outright contraindication.

Anabolic steroid abuse:

– Current or recent abuse of testosterone or other anabolic steroids.

Skin Diseases:

– Extensive skin lesions in areas intended for gel application

Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome:

– Genetic condition in which the body does not respond to androgens.

Undiagnosed Genital Masses:

– Presence of lumps or masses in the testicles that require evaluation.

It’s important to note that some of these contraindications are relative and depend on the individual patient’s situation. In some cases, a doctor may decide to prescribe Androgel after a careful evaluation of the risk-benefit ratio.

In addition, the list of contraindications may change based on new research data and regulatory recommendations.

Warning: This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to substitute professional medical advice. For an individual assessment of the suitability of Androgel, please consult a specialist.

Disclaimer: In all cases where the information in this article contradicts the official instructions, the information in the official instructions will take precedence and be considered correct.

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